Tuesday, October 5, 2010

#13 Time To Grab A Tissue

So yet again, I am sorry for not writing, I said it many times before, it feels like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", when it's "...apologises for neglecting her blog, writes a less detailed overview of whats going on in the Kidney world, and then doesn't write again in a timely fashion, and repeat. " I guess I haven't been writing because things seem pretty steady with moms health. Slight recap with a dash of new stuff.......pneumonia is all cleared up.....hip pain is 70% better (turns out she did not need a hip replacement and got a couple shots in an inflammed muscle.)

It's become almost routine. Sure she has good days and then she has bad days. Good days consist of getting up, getting her hair did (done by herself mind you) with the occasional trip to Carol. Cleaning part of the house (cleaning, it's her thing, she shouldn't be having to clean but if you know her, you know she likes it done her way) Watching some tv. And cooking dinner. Her dietary restrictions are quite limiting, yet she still can cook quite a fantastic meal. She definately still has her pride. But I see it dwindling. My mom has never really be one to complain. She has the mentality of well, I can either sit and do things half ass and feel sorry for myself or I can deal with what I've been given and suffer thru it, and get on with it. Its been hard though because over the past couple months, and recently especially, I can see her body is Shutting down more and more. She can no longer drive, and has become completely reliant on my father. Thank god for him, he has been the glue. I worry about them both. Her blood pressure is so low on most days that you can't even get a reading. This morning I think the first reading it took was 56/23? She has fallen on a couple occasions, usually upstairs when trying to get out of bed. It worries me to death, being that she is use to be so independent she often doesn't verbalize that she needs help and just tries to do it herself. I am terrified she will fall and break a hip or worse. She sleeps a lot throughout the day, and she just rarely has any energy at all. This morning she told me "I feel like a prisoner". The other day my dad told me he felt like he didn't have a purpose in life anymore. Just the other day I thought to myself, I am watching my mother die. I can see the emotional toll is starting to hit the both of them, and at times I don't know what to do or say.
Now, I think it is time for some good news. A good friend of the family, who will remain nameless, is a positive match for donating a kidney to my mom!! However there were some antibodies that wanted to reject each other. But this is not necessarily a bad disqualifying thing. My mom is being placed into an experimental study at University Hospital where she will take certain drugs. to correct the antibody problem. During this time, the donor is getting his full work up. We just talked to him about a half hour ago when he delivered some more great news. His work up is going great, everything is falling in place on his end, and all of his testing will be done October 14th. That is when my mom will start going to University Hospital. If everything works out, which we are all hoping it does, she will receive her transplant in January.

Please everyone keep their fingers crossed. I will update more on the process ofter the 14th.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, my mom told me about this and I'm soooooo happy. I'm sending love and prayers to all of you that this is a go! Love you, Mich
