Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Channel 12 News Coverage

Thank you so much to Channel 12 for doing the story on my mom today. Thank you to everyone who has come to this page because of this news story. People don't realize how IMPORTANT this gift can be. Did you know that if you donate a Kidney, you can still live a full healthy life with no problems (just don't get into bar fights and get stabbed) Did you know that there are over 110,234 people waiting for a Kidney Transplant as of 5:41pm EST today? (

In case you missed it,

I started this blog (as I mentioned in one of my first posts) because I didn't know what to expect when we found out that mom's Kidneys were failing again. I was only 6 during the last transplant and even if I did remember, medicine and technology has come so far..... I looked online for a blog of someone who was going thru this process and being brutally honest about it. I could only find blogs people wrote AFTER the transplants, and they usually were not that detailed. I hope this helps anyone out there who might have just found out that they, themselves, or a loved one is going to need a transplant. Thank you